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National Seminar on Geosciences and Sustainable Development in Tribal Areas (NSGSDTA-24)

National Seminar on Geosciences and Sustainable Development in Tribal Areas (NSGSDTA-24)

Tentative Date: 15 & 16 November 2024

The purposed National Seminar is planned for two days, covering the role of industrial activities like mining, energy resource, educational facility and self employment schemes for triblal people in tribal area and short fall in implementing them. Scientists and technocrats from government departments like GSI, AMD, MoES, DGM, IBM, PSUs WCL, Coal India, NHPC, NTPC, MOIL, MRSAC, research institutions like NGRI, NEERI, IIT and private entrepreneurs are expected to participate in this Seminar along with few tribal leaders and social workers. The experts from fields of exploration, mining, energy resource exploitations and tribal area development, pollution control, will enlighten the participants about the proposals and their implementation in India.

Theme and Subthemes

A. Natural resources

  • Geology and remote sensing of tribal areas
  • Geophysical and geochemical survey
  • Mineral resources potential
  • Hydrocarbon Exploration and Resource Estimation
  • Atomic Mineral Exploration
  • Energy resource potential
  • Quality and quantity wise assessment of coal resources – future perspective.

B. Ground Water Resources

  • Ground water survey
  • Ground water resource potential, Ground water quality and exploitation
  • Sustainable water resources utilization
  • Ground water recharge and storage

C. Industrial Activity

  • Survey of existing mineral industry
  • Future Perspective of mineral based industry
  • Contribution of mineral in development of local Economy
  • Small scale industrial development
  • Impact of industrial development on tribal economy

D. Energy sector

  • Thermal energy power plants
  • Hydel energy production
  • Geological and environmental challenges and mitigation measures
  • Wind and Solar
  • New technology fuels (bio – fuels)
  • Geothermal energy

E. Environment aspects and Climate Change

  • Environment impact assessment due to exploration for fossil fuels.
  • EIA of thermal plants; oil well production, hydel power generation,
  • Environmental parameters for sustainable energy resources development
  • Tracemetal contamination and environmental health hazards.

Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) 2022

   GONDWANA GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY NAGPUR                                                
Near Law College, Amravati Road, Nagpur 440 001


Dear Esteemed Member,

The 40th Annual General Meeting of Gondwana Geological Society, Nagpur will be held on 01/12/2022, at GSI, Seminary Hills, Nagpur 440006, at 3.30 PM onwards.

Dr. (Mrs.) Paramita  Paul, Senior Geologist, GSI, Nagpur will  deliver the Foundation Lecture on a topic “ The evolving Bastar Craton- an untold saga of Sakoli Fold Thrust Belt” on 1/12/2022, at 3.30 PM. This will be followed by distribution of Late Dr. S.C. Srivatsava Gold Medal for research contribution in Geochemistry.

The agenda of meeting is-

  1. Confirmation of the minutes of last AGM
  2. Secretary’s  report for 2021-22
  3. Statement of accounts for 2021-22
  4. Installation of new elected council
  5. Presidents address
  6. Requesting contribution for building fund for GGS
  7. Contribution for publication cost
  8. Including more members as co-opted invited members of EC
  9. Disposing of old excess stock of publications
  10. Any other matter
  11. Vote of thanks

All the Members of GGS are requested to attend.



Gondwana Geological Society, Nagpur



An online meeting of Executive Council of GGS was held on 4/01/2022 (7.30PM). The meeting was attended by Drs A.K. Chatterjee, P. B. Sarolkar, M.K. Roy, Amit Majumdar,  P. Kundal, S.J. Sangode, S.K. Humane, Mrs Samaya Humane, H.W. Khandare and Shri Chandra Das.  

Dr Anjan Chatterjee, President initiated the discussion wishing happy new year to all the members of GGS. The new year greetings were reciprocated by all members. Dr. P. B. Sarolkar informed that   Central University of Karnataka, conducted a seminar on “Earth and Environment in Anthropocene-ICEEA-2021”  last year. Dr. Babu Nallusamy, Asst Professor, Department of Geology, Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi;  informed that the Organisers of  the seminar wish to publish the presented papers in JGSR. Dr Babu  has requested GGS to publish papers  jointly with GGS in JGSR. Dr S. J. Sangode opined that  the proposal may be accepted as it would add to the credit of  GGS but the norms of JGSR must be followed.  Dr Kundal expressed that the publication may be taken keeping in view the efforts for getting impact factor, adhering to quality of publication in regular issue of JGSR.  Drs M.K. Roy and Amit Majumdar expressed that the papers may be scrutinised by GGS and only papers with good quality may be accepted for publication. They suggested that the JGSR volume may include regular papers submitted to GGS and papers selected for presentations in the said seminar. All the expenditure for publication of papers has to be borne by Dr Babu.  All the members expressed willingness to take up the joint publication on payment basis. Dr Chatterjee informed Dr Roy that some volumes of publication will be available to GGS for sale also. The editors of GGS along with members of Karnataka University will get due credit for the joint publication.

Dr Sarolkar informed that Dr Rajani Panchang, Asst Professor, Savitribai Phule, Pune University and Secretary, Palaeontological Society of India, Pune-Mumbai Chapter, has informed that the S. P. Pune University is hosting the 28th Indian Colloquium for Micropalaeontology & Stratigraphy from 15th to 17th February. Dr Panchang has requested GGS to take up publication of the proceedings of the conference as special publication of GGS. All the members expressed willingness to accept the proposal for joint publication with Pune University & GGS, following all the norms of  publication in JGSR including peer review of papers on payment basis.  All the members advised the Secretary to initiate correspondence accordingly.

Dr. S. K. Humane informed that GGS has received a letter from the Director, Atomic Minerals  Development and Research Centre (AMD), Hyderabad; for organizing a joint seminar with GGS on the Economic  and strategic mineralization in Chhattisgarh basin. 

The meeting was concluded  on vote of  thanks by Dr Khandare.

GONDWANA GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, NAGPUR : Annual Report for the Year 2020-21

1 December 2021

Dear Fellows/ Members,

Before we start the deliberations of today’s meeting, it is with a sense of deep sorrow that we record the loss of our Life Members V.M. Bhole, Director GSI; Dr A,V, Raju, DDG (Retd), GSI; A.W. Wasu, CG, MOIL; Prof. M. Bilwa, Mysuru; V. S. Krishnaswamy, DG (Retd) , GSI; Dr. R. M. Badve, Pune; K. Muthuraman, Director (Retd); Pramod Adau, Supt Geologist, GSI, Prof. K.L. Rai, Bhopal;  K. K. Dutta , Director (Retd); T.T. Somnathe, GSDA (Retd); Prof. H. J .Hansen, Denmark. May I request you all to observe silence for two minutes as a mark of respect to the departed souls.

I welcome you all to the 40th Annual General Meeting. Kindly permit me to present before you the Annual Report of our Society for the year 2020-21.  The society has grown from a group of like-minded people to a congregation of more than 700 geoscience experts from all over India and overseas.


The position of life membership as it stood at the end of 2020-21 is upto serial number 702 out of which nearly 650 members are active members. Out of this, 07 Life Members were enrolled during the period under report.

            I am happy to inform the house that the Society has total four institutional members viz. Groundwater Survey and Development Agency (GSDA), Pune and Nagpur and Jai Hind College, Dhule and the Govt. P.G. Autonomous College of Science, Durg, Chhattisgarh.  


The name of Gondwana Geological Magazine, is changed as Journal of Geosciences Research (JGSR). The JGSR Volumes were in process for printing. The printing of volume was kept in abeyance due to Pandemic.  The volumes Vol. 5 no. 2, and Vol  6 no 1 and Vol. 6 no.2,  were printed  later. The Society has initiated process for  getting impact factor for JGSR. The published volumes are sent to most of the members by email in pdf format. The Society extends sincere thanks to the scrutinizers who completed timely scrutiny of the papers for this Journal.

Status of  Journal of Geosciences Research

It a matter of pleasure to announce that Journal of Geosciences Research (JGSR) has succeeded in timely publication of its regular issues with overwhelming support received from the learned geoscientific community across India. Now, the JGSR is recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi and included it in the new UGC-CARE list. It is proposed to upload all the JGSR volumes on GGS website (  The JGSR is now directly linked with Google search engine and the individual abstracts can be accessed all over the world as an html page and a downloadable pdf. The JGSR is now registered with Indian Citation Index (ICI) and expected to get it incorporated in the ICI very soon. Similarly, the attempts are being made to Index the JGSR in Google Scholar. Thus, it is expected to get it indexed there soon. The credentials of the JGSR are also under the process of submission to SCOPUS to fulfill the long pending demand of our readers and authors to recognize the JGSR as a SCI journal with the impact factor. With the unstinted support of our authors, reviewers and editorial team, January 2022 issue of the JGSR is in press for final printing and the soft copy of  the same is ready for circulation. The JGSR-2022, January Vol. 7, No. 1 will be circulated in time as per schedule. The funds position was affected in this year due to pandemic and lock down as the sale of publication was minimal and lack of activity kept the income stagnated. The Executive Council has decided to accept advertisements in the regular volumes restricted to a total of four colour pages at the rate of  Rs. 20,000/- for single page.


The Society held 05 online  meetings of Executive Council during the year, to discuss the present situation and online activity for GGS. The Executive Council discussed the possibility of organising an online Seminar during pandemic in association with Mineral Exploration Corporation, Nagpur. The biennial election of GGS for the term 2020-2021 was delayed due to pandemic and was held in February 2021. The new EC took charge on 2 March 2021.  A new Executive Council headed by Dr. A.K. Chatterjee, as President and Dr P. B. Sarolkar, as Secretary, Dr. M. K. Roy  and Dr P.K. Jain as Vice presidents, Dr H. M. Khandare, Mrs S. Chaurpagar as  Joint Secretary, Mrs Samaya Humane as Treasurer, Dr. S.K. Humane as Editor and Dr Sandip Roy as Joint Editor, along with council Members, took over charge on 2 March  2021. 

Seminar/ Symposium / Workshop

The pandemic and lockdown put restrictions on the activities of Society.  Despite lot of restrictions the Society arranged online talks by  Dr N. C. Pant, Dr Somnath Dasgupta and  Dr. Yamuna Singh, on topics of scientific importance.

Foundation lecture of the Society

Since 32nd AGM the Society has initiated to organize a Foundation Lecture. Today Dr Sandip Roy, Director GSI, Nagpur delivered the Foundation Lecture on the topic “Deglaciation, climate change and Antarctica”.  

GGS also extends greetings to the Department of Geology, RTM Nagpur University for Platinum Jubilee Celebrations and wish it will be grand success.

Awards by GGS

            GGS has instituted an annual late Dr S.C. Srivastava Gold Medal for research in Geochemistry  for young (less than 40 years) geoscientists. Faminly members of Late Dr. S.C. Srivastava donated the money for institution of this award. The first award for excellent contribution in Geochemistry was conferred on Dr. Abhishek Saha, Sr Scientist, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. Dr Mrs Samaya Humane, has played a key role in institution of the award, processing applications and finalization of the award.   

Sale of Publications

            It is heartening to know that our publications are gaining popularity steadily but the sale of publication has  declined due to the pandemic. Total sale of publication during the period was Rs.8400 /- only. It is essential to put all out efforts to propagate our publications and improve the sale of GGS publications. Presently the sale of publications is very less and needs to be improved drastically.  

The annual subscription of the regular volumes are getting wider acceptance from Govt. organisations such as AMD, Hyderabad & Nagpur, Solapur University, SGB Amravati University and Govt. Institute of Science, Aurangabad &, Print India, New Delhi. .

Directory of Membership

A long awaited desire of publication of the Directory of the Life Members of GGS is nearing completion, but for the address details of few members, who are transferred or have changed their residence. All the members are requested to submit their latest addresses, phone numbers and e-mail ID to the Society to update the present directory. The list of Members was posted on Whatsapp and website.

Achievements of Life Members

            It is heartening to note that the life members of our society are acquiring higher positions in their respective organizations, which is a matter of great pride for the Society. Dr K.R. Randive has taken over charge as the Head of Department, Department of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. Dr A.K. Joshi has joined as Director, MRSAC, Nagpur.


The Society is grateful to Shri. Hemarj Suryavanshi, Addl Director General and HoD, GSI, Central Region, for providing Auden  Hall for this meeting. The Society is thankful to Dr. Kirtikumar Randive, the Head, PG Department of Geology, RTM Nagpur University, for providing renovated hall for holding the meetings and for providing the premises for functioning of the Society. Our sincere thanks to M/s Aishwarya Graphics for printing the volumes of JGSR. We are also thankful to the auditors M/s A.G. Pimparkhede and Co. for auditing the accounts for the year 2020-21.

            We express sincere thanks to the authors, scrutinizers, members of editorial committee whose efforts are crucial in timely publication of the Journal. We would like to extend special thanks to the Honourable Vice Chancellor of RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur for the encouragement given to the activities of Gondwana Geological Society. I would also like to extend sincere thanks to Dr. U. L. Pitale, Dr. A.G. Bhusari, Prof. P.M. Tapaswi, Dr Amit Majumdar,  for the encouragement to the activities of Society. I also thank all the members of the Executive Council of the Society for constant encouragement, guidance and for extending support during the pandemic. The encouragement provided by the members of Media / Press by giving timely publicity to the activities of the Society is gratefully acknowledged. Lastly, I am thankful to you all for the co-operation extended in organising the activities of the Society during the pandemic and sincerely hope that it would continue during the current year also.


01/12/2021                                                                                         Secretary